Loopings, Flux and Statements Control
01. How to use IF and ELSE: Testing and Controlling which will runApplication: Say if you got straight approval, or have to do recovery test or failed
Application: Determines the roots of a second degree equation
Video lesson: Java Video lesson - How to use the conditional test IF ELSE
02. Questions about IF ELSE use
03. Math Operators Increment (++) and Decrement (--)
04. Assignment Operators: +=, -=, *=, /= and %=
05. Assignment operators and increment and decrement: differences between a=b++ and a=++b
06. The while loop: what it is, how to use and calculating AP and GP series with while
07. Infinite loop, controlling loops and loops with while statement
7.1 Exercises about the while looping
08. Control Statement for: having better control over repetitions
8.1 Exercises about control statement for
09. The do while loop: the control statement that always happens..at least once
10. The break and continue commands: interrupting and changing flows and loops
11. switch command: makind choices in Java
12. Problems involving control statement: if, else, while, for, do while and switch
Exercise: Program that says how many days the month has
Video lesson: using loop and control statements WHILE, FOR, DO WHILE and SWITCH
Game: How to program the Battleship game in Java
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